About Me!
I’m a Registered Dietitian and Certified Health Coach but that doesn’t mean anything to you, right!
I certainly appreciate you visiting me!
My name is Juvonia (pronounced Ja-von-na or Giovanna) and I live in Maryland.
If you let me, I’d like to help you with your health and wellness journey.
How it all began…
I started this blog because I have a passion for healthy eating and wellness. I particularly have a heart to help women who struggle with high blood pressure, diabetes, and stress. Heart disease is the number 1 killer of women and diabetes is an epidemic. I truly believe that our mind, body and soul can heal if we learn and practice a healthy lifestyle. As a health professional, I want to share my knowledge and experiences with others.
My Dad is a Naturopathic holistic practitioner and I have learned a ton of valuable herbal and holistic remedies that I am also happy to share.
It wasn’t always easy for me though.
I went to college, gained about 25 lbs my freshman year and said “uh-oh”. During my sophomore year I began working out and watching my eating habits. I rode my bike to and from campus and I started to see a physical transformation.
I committed to changing my diet , eliminating certain foods, and being aware of my eating habits to improve my health.
After I became a wife and mother everything shifted again. I still practiced healthy eating habits that I learned but I found myself with less and less time to take care of me. I realized that even though I loved my life, my body felt the effects of stress and I noticed changes in my blood pressure. Seeing my mother battle with heart disease, I knew that was something that I did not want to experience.
I face the same daily challenges as many of you and I am grateful that I have learned small changes that make a huge difference. I believe that the only way to achieve lasting weight loss results so you can maintain a healthy weight is by setting SMART goals, being consistent and learning to love yourself, unconditionally! One size doesn’t fit all but you can achieve your goals with some mindset shifts, behavior changes and just putting one foot in front of the other each and everyday.
Knowledge is power! If I help you simplify the clutter and develop healthier eating habits, it will be so rewarding to me.
Prevention is possible. I am committed to giving sound nutritional advice that works for me and so many others.
As a Dietitian, I have been in clinical settings helping people with diabetes management, high blood pressure, heart disease, high cholesterol and weight management.
Teaching is something that I LOVE doing so why not start a blog and teach more people.
Our health has to be a priority that becomes our lifestyle.
I work a full-time job as many of us do. Life can be so busy right?! Stress has a damaging impact on our health. I can help you reduce the affects of stress that cause high blood pressure. It is not always easy but it is definitely doable. I can be your resource and we can continue this journey together.
I’d like very much to help you achieve better health, have stable weight, feel confident and stress less so that you can live your best and most fabulous life.
Why ‘nourished thinking’? The word nourish means to “provide with the food or other substances necessary for growth, health, and good condition. Keep (a feeling or belief) in one’s mind, typically for a long time.”
My blog is for busy women and moms who are struggling with healthy eating and/or battling diabetes, stress and heart disease. My goal is to help you achieve better health. Not just for you but for your family as well. I want to give you tools that allow you to think for yourself, nourish your body, and heal your mind and soul!