7 Wellness Tips For a Beautiful You
Beauty starts from within and these wellness tips for a beautiful you can be started today! Beauty is not granted by slathering on globs of lotions and creams.
A healthy inside radiates to the outside and these wellness tips are sure to help you look and feel your best.
The body will take care of itself and there are things that are well within our control to help us look and feel beautiful. I believe that we all are naturally beautiful and we don’t need to smother our skin with make-up or search for the next beauty regimen.
Instead, try these 7 wellness tips and see if it makes a difference.
But wait, I do love a good mask, scrub, deep cleanse and all the fun stuff but let’s take a look at the wellness tips that don’t require any additional products.
Beauty Wellness Tip #1 Exercise Til You Sweat.
Sweating eliminates toxins that help cleanse your skin which is your largest organ.
Walking a brisk 30-40 minutes is all it takes to raise endorphins and elevate your mood. Besides, exercise can curb appetite. The key point here is to increase your level of physical activity, start moving.
Beauty Wellness Tip #2 Sleep, sleep, and more sleep!
Adequate rest, at least 8 hours, is critical to optimal health and wellness. This is so important that I will dedicate an entire post to this concept alone. I once read that sleeping on your back helps prevent the formation of wrinkles that come from smashing your face against the pillow. Say what?
Just think, if someone says, ‘you look tired,’ do you take that as a compliment? I don’t. A lack of rest can deprive us of energy and vibrancy as well as cause baggy eyes and dark circles. Who needs that!
If you have trouble falling to sleep try a cup of chamomile tea or anti-stress tea 2 hours before bedtime. A hot Epsom salt bath using lavendar or eucalyptus soothes and relaxes muscles.
Beauty Wellness Tip #3 Good oral hygiene and proper skin care.
Brush your teeth and floss gums daily. Not only is this necessary for great looking teeth but this is necessary for optimal health. Recent research has shown that proper dental care is key to preventing heart disease.
Drinking a cup of green tea can help strengthen teeth against decay and calcium loss.
It is imperative that we protect our skin from the damaging rays of the sun. 20 minutes of daily sun is actually beneficial therefore no need to avoid it like a plague. When our skin burns, that is damage that leads to wrinkling. Be sure to wear a face cream that contains an SPF. The earlier you start this practice, the better your skin will look while aging.
Try rubbing the juice from a raw potato on your face to help eliminate blemishes and tone skin. The potato juice is a natural astringent and can be used after washing your face. Rinse off in the morning.
Also, try using products such as jojoba oil and cocoa butter that contain essential fatty acids which penetrate the skin to help soften and moisturize your skin.
Beauty Wellness Tip #4 A Balanced diet.
Starving yourself and being “naturally thin” is not a sign of good health. Thin people have to watch their “diets” too. Thin doesn’t mean healthy. Building meals around antioxidant-rich plant foods can protect your skin against wrinkling. I know this to be true! Don’t believe me? Go ahead and eat some blueberries daily for 1 week and watch what happens to your skin. 🙂
Choose a variety of dark-colored fruits such as blackberries, blueberries, grapes, prunes, raisins, raspberries and plums. These fruits are natural pigments that are potent antioxidants.
Adults should consume at least 1,000 mg or more of Vitamin C per day. Add strawberries, kiwi, oranges, broccoli, mustard greens, red and green peppers to your diet to boost your Vitamin C intake. If you can’t eat enough Vitamin C, find a powder or chewable supplement. Remember to increase the amount of Vitamin C when experiencing symptoms of influenza or the common cold
Beauty Wellness Tip #5 Hydration.
Drink plenty of water daily. My advice, eliminate sodas and juice and drink half of your body weight in water. Period! If you weigh 100 lbs, drink 50 ounces of water daily.
Beauty Wellness Tip #6 Know Your Numbers.
In the case of your health, ignorance is not bliss. It is important that we have routine visits with our primary care physician to know our health profile.
- Check your blood chemistry yearly if possible or at least every 2-3 years
- Men check your prostate levels in your 40’s and women have mammograms per your Physician
- Limit milligrams of cholesterol to less than 200 mg per day
- Monitor your sodium intake. A heart healthy diet contains less than 2,300 mg of sodium per day. If you are concerned you can reduce this number even further but check with your physician first. (Pay attention to food labels and measure carefully what you add to home cooked meals)
- According the the American Heart Association, blood pressure category is as follows
- Keep your weight at a healthy range. This means being mindful of the 10-20 lbs that can easily creep up year-to-year without us recognizing until we have added another 50 lbs to our person. Have a MAXIMUM weight that you will not go above and if you get to 10-15 lbs of that weight you need to start making changes.
- Normal = Systolic is less than 120 and Diastolic is less than 80
- Elevated = Systolic is between 120-129 and Diastolic is less than 80
- High Blood Pressure = Systolic is between 130-139 OR Diastolic is between 80-89
- Hypertension Stage 2 = Systolic is 140 or higher OR Diastolic is 90 or higher
- Hypertensive Crisis = Systolic is higher than 180 and/or Diastolic is higher than 120
Beauty Wellness Tip #7 Reduce Stress.
Take deep breaths daily as often as you need to. Learn to enjoy the present moments. It will help to reduce stress. Stress and anger increase your heart rate and raise your blood pressure. Laugh more and learning to “smell the roses” can lower your risk for heart attack.
Think positive thoughts about yourself and others. Imagine yourself healthy, happy and whole and live each day to the fullest. Studies show that emotion-driven outbursts send blood pressure soaring and significantly increase your risk of heart attack and stroke.
Reduce stress with some form of exercise i.e. dancing, walking, water aerobics, jogging, martial arts, yoga, meditation, gardening, etc. Any activity that refocuses your attention from our own problems you can reduce stress levels. For more on reducing stress, check out this post.
Smoking cessation is the most important modifiable cause of premature death. It loads the blood with compounds that cause oxidative damage, which accelerates wrinkling.
Garlic is a potent antioxidant that can reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease and stroke. Toss up a minced garlic clove in your salad for the added benefits of this wonderful healer.
I hope these tips have helped. For a FREE report of the 7 Self-Care habits for busy women, click this link.
Leave a comment below if you have questions or if you have a tip that you practice to help you feel better and look fabulous.
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